Perversion: An Observation

Perversion or Pervert: Recently members of congress read aloud from books provided or made available in the school library for young students which may have contained abnormal (pervert) sexual acts.

Does the post “Peeling the Onion” regarding the level of responsibility not responding to prevent such material apply? Does it extend to the top level of national responsibility?

Following may be an accurate definition of the contents of the material by Bing search:

A pervert is a term that can have different meanings depending on the context and the perspective of the person using it. Generally, it is used to describe someone whose sexual behavior or preferences are considered abnormal, unnatural, or unacceptable by the majority of society. However, this definition is subjective and may vary across cultures, religions, and historical periods.

According to the OxfordDictionaries, the word pervert can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it means “a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable”. As a verb, it means “to alter something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended” or “to lead someone away from what is considered right, natural, or acceptable”.

The word pervert comes from the Latin word pervertere, which means “to overturn, corrupt, or pervert”. It was first used in the 14th century as a verb to mean “to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right”. The noun sense of “one that has been perverted” or “one given to some form of sexual perversion” dates from the late 19th century.

Some examples of how the word pervert is used in sentences are:

Does the post “Peeling the Onion” regarding the level of responsibility not responding to prevent such material apply? Does it extend to the top level of national responsibility?

What does failure to act to restrict the referenced material as read indicate about the morality of the many levels of responsibility?

Think Really Big: An Observation

Researching what may have been considered a conspiracy theory, it appears that applying logic and reason cannot explain the size of the current cabal in place profiting from every illegal activity imaginable. Is there a trail of evidence? Possibilities are high.

Currently, politicians and law enforcement may be incapable of dealing with it. Mobilization of the military for domestic purposes may be required. Although the military is precluded from doing so. The cabal may have control of it also.

If, as research indicates, the U.S. may be a pawn of a criminal organization.  This may explain the neutering of the news media.

Think Really Big.

Peeling the Onion: An Observation

Recent observations are filled with multiple charges and legal actions against the past president and his associates.

While at the same time, charges of seemingly criminal acts by the current president and associates appear to go on without hesitation.

The current administration appears to be charging that the past president is responsible for election interference, while at the same time, appearing to do the same with multiple questionable charges and trial date changes to interfere with the upcoming election.

The majority of major media appear to be providing cover for the current president and associates, while daily attacking the character of the past president.

However, it also appears that the onion expressed above may be peeling. What events and issues will be exposed in the future are unknown at this time. However, as the onion is peeled, it may reveal an increasing list of events and issues occurring in the past, and during the upcoming election cycle.

Peeling the onion may begin slowly and increase rapidly. If so, will actors involved and in fear of discovery, begin to desert and reveal the truth?

Question: Will there be revelations of support, or unintended support, for terrorism events and issues identified in the “Cause and Effect Analysis” posting?

Did Attorney General John Ashcroft’s statements in the SOTU 2023 list of international events indicate that possibility? If so, is that the main cause of the charges against the past president? To preclude the ever-increasing possibility of a change in leadership which may expose who or what is at the center of the onion?

Cause and Effect Analysis

Mapping of nonparticipative observation events and issues as identified in the Online Log page are referenced in the following SOTU 2023 posts:

Domestic Events: U.S. Capital Attack, Congressional Baseball Game, San Bernadino Terrorist Attack, Fort Hood Shooting, Oklahoma City Bombing.

International Events: 911 attack on the New York Twin Towers, World Trade Center Bombing, War in Ukraine, Afghan War, EgyptAir Flight 990, Pan Am Flight 103, Beirut Barracks Bombing.

Causes of events can be identified through the process of cause-and-effect relationship analysis.

Domestic Issues: Border Security, FBI Cyber Strategy, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Profiteering, Education, Law and Order.

International Issues: Biological Warfare, Chemical Warfare, Cyber Warfare, Nuclear War Threat, Trade Wars, Undocumented Immigration.

For clarification, there are many more events and issues occurring than are listed here and in the referenced posts.

Items selected demonstrate instability and conflict at the national and international level.

For external references consult the War on Terror from the History Channel as one reference. There are many more available. Search “War on Terror” for additional references. It is clear that terror is the current state of warfare.

Cause and Effect Analysis Applied: Education is a current example recommended for your analysis. Start from the “effect” (where the event or issue  occures), and work backwards, generally up the vertical chain to identify the “cause” at each level in the chain.

The chain in this case starts at the student level and proceeds up the chain to the teachers, school administartors, district administrators, state board of education, U.S. Department of education, and the President.

It would not be unusual to encounter hostility at each level because personnel at a given level are in fear of reprisal from both the lower level (it’s too hard to change), to the upper level (fear and threats of intimidation).

Consider this:  Starting at each level above the student, deviants who might have mental issues, might inject or modify policy which is contrary to reason. And, the level above the problem level is failing to correct the situation. If attention and change to deviant beliefs and behavior is not corrected at the top level of the chain, leadership at all levels will be corrupt. If true, many other events and issues outside of educaation may likewise be affected.

Question: Where does the authority and direction originate that implies the education system can cause students to hide information from parents?

Question: Where does policy guidance originate, and is enforced, for popular mass media to selectively report, distort or ignore critical news items? Does free press imply a license to manipulate the opinions of citizens rather than inform by reporting unfiltered facts.

Research Tactics: Begin at the effect (outcome) level and work backwards to identify the chain of events in reverse order to identify and correct improper issues as they are encountered. FMECA Analysis can be utilized for any problem that is in serial sequence (single chain), or parallel sequence (multiple chains).

Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), and problem solving are normally used in engineering applications, such as in the design, manufacturing, service, repair and testing of hard goods: cars, aircraft, household appliances and equipment and more . . .

However, they can be applied to management systems where policy guidelines are used in the performance of a task. Border security, passport system, telecommunications monitoring, immigration process, transportation systems and more . . .

The most common cause for failure in physical or management systems is failure of personnel to follow established guidelines, or guidelines that have been altered to ensure an incorrect outcome.

Events and Issues identified above are examples of failures in design and performance of management procedures.